
And did those feet? Well, did they? I don’t give two pins about the time, whether it was in ancient time or modern time or some other time, I just want to know if those feet did, and if they did, what it was, exactly, that they did. I suppose you will tell me that they walked. Lawks-a-mercy!, I’d never have guessed. Those feet walked, did they? Take me to the foot of our stairs! And don’t get me started on that holy lamb of God. If I catch sight of it I’ll have it sheared and its fleece spun and knitted into a pair of woolly socks before you can say Jack Spraggins. And I will put those socks on my feet and I will walk, yes, I will walk upon England’s mountains green. Just try to stop me, buster.

One thought on “Jerusalem

  1. Coincidentally my ‘Radio Van der Graaf Generator’ threw up, and that IS the correct term, ELPs Jerusalem just this morning on the way to work. Not a song one hears much in the USA where folks are convinced ‘those feet’ are walking around here all the time anyway.

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