Now we have Christopher Hitchens in Slate telling us how to make a cup of tea, I look forward to the next instalment. John Pilger, perhaps, with instructions on how to boil an egg? No doubt the Pilge will explain that egg-boiling is an act of Zionist imperialist aggression, to be resisted at all costs by hard-hitting ill-argued whingeing, with a goodly dollop of manipulative sentimentality.
Hitchens’ piece is splendid, and has the added benefit of quoting Yoko Ono. She may, as he points out, be talking drivel, but every syllable that drops from her lips is to be treasured, as you well know, innit?
This is marvellous. My guess is that, with the end in sight, the Hitch has decided that, to hell with it, he’s going to write about really important stuff, and balls to politics and religion.