The 2012 Hooting Yard paperback is now available from Lulu. Mr Key would be extraordinarily happy if you pointed your browser there immediately, and bought dozens of copies. Remember, I have been told in no uncertain terms that I am “not commercially viable”. Let us prove them wrong!
Hooray! I have just ordered my copy!
Will forward to Mrs B. She bought me everything else last Xmas and I still havent read it all. I have to get some proper reading glasses, I’m too old to be straining my eyes all the time. Eeeee when I were a lad I’d read 2 to 3 novels in a weekend. But now I’ve been reading The Shadow Over Innsmouth again..for the last week and I’m still not finished. I think I may be regressing in some way
Are your books available in digital format? I would be willing to pay the same price as the print edition!
I would also pay the same price for a digital format. I am determined to avoid ending up with a house full of dead trees!
Yes, a kindle edition please!
im happy to be i the company of dead trees
Kindle edition now available…
Thank you, Frank! Purchased!
This’ll only increase my fervor for making mezzotints.