Crack open a bottle of aerated lettucewater, toss your pointy hat into the air, and cut several brisk capers around your hovel! The cause of your unalloyed glee is the publication of a brand new Hooting Yard paperback, the eighth in the series. The Funny Mountain is now available for purchase from Lulu, so point your browser over there at once, and buy untold copies of what they are already calling the most important sweeping paragraphs of majestic prose since oo-er missus I don’t know when!
I was going to say ‘Hurrah!’.
p.192 “…and drift upstream towards the sea…”
This seems an extraordinary mistake to make in an otherwise factual exposition on coastal tomb bats. Please explain yourself.
I am truly excited to order my first Key tome. I continue to favor his existence, and wish him many more days of continued being.