Preparing another thrilling Hooting Yard animation, Outa_Spaceman created this splendid bepigmentised version of a picture of a boffin about to conduct a brain scan on a penguin…
Preparing another thrilling Hooting Yard animation, Outa_Spaceman created this splendid bepigmentised version of a picture of a boffin about to conduct a brain scan on a penguin…
Oh magnificent! What a wonderful gouachist Mr. Outaspaceman is? Do his talents have no end? Do they have no beginning either – for I suspect they might be one of those infinite continuum things that science fiction writers often mumble on about.
Just trying to pass the time away as usefully as I can before I’m rescued and taken back to my own world…
(Somebody must have noticed I’m missing, it’s been 52 years now…)