Babbling prose into a microphone for half an hour every week is all very well, but occasionally one feels impelled to vent in a less… shall we say, prosaic manner. To this end, I am very pleased (I think) to be taking part in a performance by Phil Minton’s Feral Choir this coming Saturday, 29th May.
Tune in to ResonanceFM at 8.00 PM, and – as Charles Ives recommended – “sit down, pin back your ears, and listen like a man!” (Women are equally adept at this practice.)
Incidentally, and quite coincidentally, both Phil Minton and I have contributions due to appear in a forthcoming recipe book, to be sold for charity. I am not joking. I will of course keep readers fully informed, so you can buy innumerable copies when this invaluable tome hits the boulevards.